Monday, June 8, 2020

The Fashionista, part 2

   Rowan flipped her long hair over her shoulder and began to sloppily braid it.
"Let's travel this road,
together or alone,
Let's travel far and wide,
when the Storms come, 
or the sun shines bright." 
She sang quietly underneath her breath. Standing, she tugged her black pants to a better position before moving to her workshop. Scraps of fabrics and half finished works were everywhere, pieces that were used to perfect her fashion show design. Moving to the back wall, she looked at the message Rinn had sent. 
"Been found out, accidental locating. Valentine was leading them. Currently heading to see the Magic Queen. See you again soon." That's all Rinn had written. 
"Sky damn it Rinn," Rowan muttered. The Redhead took a deep breathe, and exhaled. As she exhaled, her magic flared up, burning the message. She then waved her hand, rewarding all evidence of what she and Rinn had been doing. Marching forward, she moved back through her living room to her dressing room, where she changed into some nice black skinny jeans, a white button down and a black suit jacket. Rolling the sleeves up to mid forearm, she stepped into her nice shoes.
"Let's do this," she muttered, exiting her apartment and heading to the Regency Guards' Center. Entering she saw him standing there, looking confused as he waited.  
"Hello Valentine. I hope you're well on this fine day," Rowan called out a greeting to an old acquaintance. 
Valentine startled, almost as if he hadn't expected her to show up, "Hello Rowan, I'm well. Shall we get this over with?" His strong, deep voice startling for such a lean, handsome man. His light brown hair flopped over his green eyes, lithe frame straightening as his almost pretty face gained a more neutral expression.
"Lets, I have a show to prepare for you know," Rowan agreed. 
Following him deeper into the building, past the offices, to Valentine's office. It was a moderate office, with two lovely cushioned armchairs facing the desk. Pulling out one, Valentine gestured for Rowan to sit, before moving to his chair. 
"As of earlier today, Rinn of House Smintheus has revealed the power to avoid the Simulation, the Narrative, and the Anvil," Valentine started, obviously choosing his words carefully. "She appears to be going rogue, which in this time is.." 
"Is less than good, especially with her newfound abilities," Rowan decided to take pity on him. "Which is why I'm here. I'm her best friend. And you want to know if I know something," she was confident in her statement. She knew why she was here. There was no lost love between Valentine and Rinn. They were just to different. Rinn viewed the Universe by seeing how everything would chain her down, a more pessimistic view. Valentine on the other hand, presumed everything would be fine in the end. His faith in the council of three was absolute, and he believed they knew best for the long run. They were just fundamentally different people. But until they could convince him of otherwise, he was an enemy. 
"Yes, that's exactly what I'm asking... Rowan. I understand that I've never gotten along with Rinn, but please, is she going to be a danger? I wouldn't think she would but.." He trailed off, concern written on his face.
"Rinn has always shown a willingness to run, but unless she finds information to suggest that it's necessary, I don't think Rinn would be a danger unless pushed," her purple eyes flashing in the afternoon light, Rowan prepared to navigate a tricky verbal field of half-truths, putting on a front of honesty and concern over a 'misguided' runaway.